Connected Solutions



4 Costly CRE Mistakes in Coworking

As billions in institutional capital flow into Coworking and sophisticated Coworking operators compete on a global scale, even the most experienced among them will make mistakes. Some mistakes, such as poor hires or misdirected marketing efforts, can be quickly corrected, but poor real estate decisions can have lasting consequences that may compound over time. Let’s […]

Shared Workspaces VS Coworking Spaces – What Are the Differences?

The difference between a shared workspace and coworking space can be confusing, especially with workplaces such as business centers, executive suites, shared spaces and serviced offices, which provide members with a similar experience. The difference between a shared workspace and a coworking space can vary between the vision of the space, the goals and needs […]

Critical Components to Increase Coworking Space Visibility

There are several critical components and processes associated with opening a Coworking and/or shared space. Once you have those doors open, getting people to see the “yes, we’re open” sign is another challenge within itself. The two main components needed to increase Coworking space visibility are building an online presence and making your space accessible for better conversions. Making your […]

The Digital Nomad Lifestyle – Everything You Need to Know

To understand the growing demand for Coworking and shared workspaces, we need to look into the changes in the way people work. Today’s modern workforce is more transient, more on the move, and eager to break barriers in communication and office space. The best part about Coworking and shared spaces for the digital nomad lifestyle […]