Connected Solutions



Over Half of Americans Want to Return to the Office at Least Part-Time

According to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, nearly one-third of American employees worked remotely in 2019. Although surveys revealed that many more were interested in working at least some of the time outside of the office, companies were still hesitant to embrace remote working arrangements. However, that all changed in 2020, as the onset […]

GWA Conference Recap: Coworking Operators Pivot to Achieve Success

In a normal year, the coworking industry would have gathered to celebrate one of its biggest annual events, the GWA Conference. The GWA had to pivot and reimagine what the conference looked like in 2020, as coworking operators similarly need to adjust their business in order to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. Among the highlights of […]

Yardi Kube Client Spotlight: Bond Collective

Bond Collective is a boutique-style coworking brand with 11 locations in five U.S. markets, and three more spaces set to open soon. With a specialty in hospitality and design, each space is modeled to represent its community with a luxurious, exclusive feel. Shlomo Silber is co-founder and CEO of Bond Collective and he spoke to […]

Coworking Spaces Embrace the Digital Nomad

Coworking spaces today cater to corporations, niche markets and other segments, but the roots of the industry stem from the entrepreneur and independent worker market. Digital nomads are a population of independent workers who can operate remotely with technology-enabled positions. According to MBO Partners, nearly 5 million independent workers fit the digital nomad description, with […]

Best Ways to Improve Coworking Member Retention

Running a Coworking space, like any other business, requires attracting clients, and then keeping them at a high rate. Otherwise, you’ll be in a constant state of churn which is a burden for your operation, but also is an indication you’re not doing some things right, making members want to seek greener pastures. Let’s take a look […]

Future of Work: How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Coworking and Shared Spaces

One of the biggest assets of Coworking is that it attracts new cutting-edge ideas for transforming a workspace. These beautiful, high tech locations are at today’s forefront for innovation, entrepreneurship, and new passions being put into solutions. Coworking spaces have helped tread along new advancements in the technological age. It’s undeniable that the future of Coworking is tied […]