Connected Solutions

Yardi Kube at GCUC ALL 2016


Yardi Kube at GCUC ALL 2016

Yardi Kube was a proud sponsor and attendee of the recent GCUC ALL unconference in Los Angeles. Over the week our team members had a productive time speaking to other industry pros about the new WUN HD platform and important trends in coworking. Much was learned during the presentations given by industry heavyweights. In one session Deskmag presented research analysis from their global coworking survey, providing insight into the worldwide industry. We also took full advantage of all the fun networking activities GCUC ALL put together, from a scavenger hunt to dinners and a disco-themed party!


Do you know the top seven mistakes coworking spaces make? If you attended our seminar at GCUC ALL, you would. We filled the room for a presentation and discussion on common mistakes space managers make, and how they can be avoided in the future.


Our Business Development Manager Michael Motley represented Yardi Kube at COSHARE’s Genius Bar, where GCUC ALL attendees could sign up to speak to coworking experts for 30 minutes. Motley focused on IT solutions and flexible workspace technology – he also provided insight on other topics of interest.


In addition to chatting with our team at the Yardi Kube booth, GCUC ALL participants were able to sign up online for a demonstration of our new WUN HD platform. The platform was met with great reviews and we’re excited to continue sharing it with current and potential clients.


We are already counting down until next year’s GCUC unconference — maybe we’ll get one more level to our pyramid for the scavenger hunt!
