Connected Solutions

Advantages of a Business Telephone System Fort Lauderdale for Small Businesses and Start-Ups


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Small businesses need a reliable business telephone systems Fort Lauderdale that can help push their business into the realm of becoming established and well known in the area. This is easier said than done, and requires many months of planning ahead of time to account for challenges along the way.

Yardi Kube is a business telephone systems company Fort Lauderdale that specializes in telecommunication and providing offices throughout the area a better way to stay connected. We provide, voice, data, wifi, internet, door control, and software that is customized to each client, as no one company is the same. Our business telephone systems are one of our most popular and successful services that we provide to clients.

We have designed a modular system with competitive pricing that allows us to grow with your business. Watching a small business expand is extremely rewarding on our end, so we try to do everything we can to make sure our clients reach their yearly milestones and revenue goals. WUN Voice will help you transform the way your company does business and accounts for the changes that are to come in the future.

Yardi Kube’ Commitment to Businesses of All Sizes

In terms of startups and small businesses, we understand that becoming established is an uphill battle that goes on for years. We try our very hardest to make this struggle easier by providing a communication system that does not let you down. With an average 99.9% up time for our business telephone systems, we take this commitment to businesses of all sizes very seriously. In order to keep costs affordable and budgets tight, WUN Voice is a modular system that combines smartphones, softphones, desktop handsets, video phones, speakerphones, and interoffice chat capabilities. You may start off just using desktop handsets and smartphones, but as you start to hire more employees with segregated departments, interoffice chat capabilities become essential. As you begin to do business with other companies, smartphone and softphone capabilities are needed to stay connected with everyone in the office when not physically present.

What are Softphone Capabilities?

When you are getting your business off its feet, you are constantly on the go. Oftentimes, working 7 days a week or after hours is the norm. This means taking work outside of the office. Opposed to traditional landlines or our desktop handsets, WUN Voice’s softphone application is a web-based communication tool specifically for smartphones, tablets, and laptops. When you are away from your desk, the interconnectedness of our modular system does not stop there. All desktop handsets are able to reach you on the WUN Voice softphone application through your phone, or you can still be included in a meeting via video conferencing. Another softphone capability is the option to start a chat box with another employee or hold a chat conference. This can be great for informal meetings or brainstorming sessions.

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Helping Decision Makers and Entrepreneurs

As a small business owner, you are the primary decision maker for the entire office. This is a challenging task if there is no regulated flow of information and communication within the office. One of the biggest challenges that decision makers have when they first begin their business is the inability to sift through the important tasks versus ones that can be put off later. During the initial start-up and small business phase, it can feel like every task is equally important to keep things running. On the contrary, a human is only capable of a certain amount of work in the day so each hour must be planned carefully. During this phase, you will want to live by the maxim, “work smarter, not harder” but also accept that your to-do list will constantly be full.

The best way to avoid putting too much stress on yourself is to hire someone to manage the workflow for you. Make sure your receptionist has our Web Based console, one of our specialized business telephone services Fort Lauderdale. This console controls all inbound calls and can connect the right calls to you with the click of a button. All irrelevant calls can be sent to voicemail for later. Your receptionist can also include notes about when you or other employees will be absent from the office. This tool is the first step to creating a regulated stream of communication within your small team.

Technical Support for Small Businesses

Our own business model reflects a high desire for customer service. Whenever a client of ours is experiencing a technical problem, a business telephone systems specialist Fort Lauderdale is available throughout the day for as long as needed to find the right solution. This technical support is free of charge, unlike other businesses who have their clients pay to keep their systems running. Our commitment to your business is to provide stellar, working business telephone solutions Fort Lauderdale. We expect that our clients will put our systems to good use, so providing technical support is a no-brainer. Our client list ranges from small businesses to large corporations, and we are proud to say that their success directly reflects our success.

Monitoring Account Usage with Advanced Call Accounting

Small businesses are on a tight budget and need to be able to analyze which phones are using the most minutes in a given day. This is made possible with our Advanced Call Accounting feature. This application monitors call activity by user and has the capability of billing back any or all phone numbers. You will be able to integrate this billing into your accounting software for an easier small business tax experience.

WUN Voice for Small Businesses

Our business telephone systems provide all of the tools that you need to get started. If you don’t currently have the need for a certain feature, it is always available to you later on. Reach out to a Yardi Kube customer service representative today to find the best fit for your small business.